
Since establishment on 19 September 1997, with the gracious guidance of Jesus Christ in the past quarter of the century, the Fund has supported over 1,900 projects in Hong Kong and Mainland China (including Macau), in the areas of evangelism, medical and health, education and social service, at a total subsidy of HK$475 Million.   


At the inception of the Fund, the Board of Trustees estimated that all the funds would be distributed in 21 years. Unexpectedly, having released 27 batches of subsidies in the past 27 years, the asset value of the Fund still exceeds the original sum of HK$465 Million. We strongly believe that God’s blessing and mercy are with His people as He is our amazing provider. We are grateful to participate in the ministry of Jesus Christ to spread the knowledge of Christ and to share the resources with the marginal people and the special needs in the society, through the subsidized projects of education and nurturing talents, building one’s life, supporting the disadvantaged groups, caring the community, conducting surveys about the local churches, etc.  


Throughout more than a quarter of the century, the Fund has been blessed with good operation and sustainable outcomes under the leadership of the former and current Trustees and the collective efforts of our fellow staff, with Trustees’ selfless dedication and strong commitment in contribution of their professional advices, as well as their active participations in the local and Mainland on-site visits. We are thankful to have the devoted Members of the Screening Committee to share the heavy workload in vetting and making recommendations for the annual applications in a just, fair and transparent manner; whilst Members of Finance Committee always come up the prudent investment choices with the professional fund managers that the investment assets of the Fund can have the long-term growth. These inspire us to perceive and appreciate what our Lord Jesus said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)


On behalf of the Fund, may I extend my heartfelt gratitude to different parties for their efforts and contributions. Firstly, our deepest thanks should go to our appointing agencies for their concentric prayers and unfailing support in assigning their representatives to our Board as Trustees, to let the Fund have a healthy growth and a sustainable development for the beneficiaries. Secondly, I would like to thank our local and Mainland partners which have made good use of our limited grants to maximize the project impact to benefit the needy and to care our neighbours in the society.


Last but not least, I would like to pay a high tribute to the countless contributions of the former Trustees, namely Prof. Tam Sheung Wai (the former Fund Chairman), Bishop Rev. Chang Chun Wa Ben, Mr. Fung Sau Chung, Ms. Ko Siu Wah, The Rev. Miss Lee Ching Chee, Canon Li Fook Hing, Rev. Prof. Lo Lung Kwong, Rev. Dr. Luk Fai, Mr. Sit Poon Ki Simon, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Soo Yee Po Thomas, Rev. Dr. Tan Chin Kwang Stephen, Rev. Dr. Tso Man King and Rev. Yuen Tin Yau, and the current Trustees for their selfless devotion and loyalty, whole-hearted commitment and co-partnership, to lead the Fund going through all ups and downs in the past years. Under the Almighty God, the Fund continues to walk with God and share with our local and Mainland project partners to demonstrate the teaching from the Bible, “Giving one of these little ones a cup of cold water”, to spread Jesus Christ’s love and to accomplish the objective of “glorifying God and benefiting people” in the days ahead.